Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Review of Downtown Partnership Begins

Every five years the Pittsburgh City Council must vote on renewing the Downtown Pittsburgh Business Improvement District. The district levies a tax on downtown property owners to fund the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership. That taxing authority is up for renewal this year and legislation has been brought before council to extend it for another five years.

PDP Board Chair Richard Beynon says the partnership will continue to keep its focus, “We have purposely not allocated the residential base because we did not want to tax the residential downtown, we are continuing to strive to build that base and not have any hindrances.” Beynon says the PDP is very supportive of the Downtown Neighborhood association, which represents the residents of the golden triangle, but their focus will remain on the business community.

Beynon was questioned by council members on a variety of issues including trash pickup and the possibility of school zone speed limits. Councilman Bill Peduto heaped praise on the PDP’s effort saying he shudders to think what downtown would look like without the partnership. “ The added public works patrols that you hire, the added police protection, keeping it clean and safe, the basics,” said Peduto.

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