Friday, April 29, 2011

Santorum, Gingrich Bash Obama at NRA

A long list of politicians went before the members of the National Rifle Association gathered in Pittsburgh Friday for the group’s annual convention and several of them used the opportunity to take shots at President Obama.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich set the tone when he ripped the President for not having a foreign policy that encouraged gun rights in other nations. He said the Obama Administration is the most consistently anti-second amendment administration the nation has ever seen. “In its efforts to help get anti-gun international treaties, in its effort to appoint anti-gun judges, in its effort to avoid prosecuting gun criminals while taking away the rights of innocent citizens,” said Gingrich.

Former US Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania followed on the list of speakers and followed the growing theme. Santorum bashed Obama for a recent statement the president made that he believed that America became great when it passed Medicare, Medicaid and unemployment laws. “Our President has to believe in who we are and then reflect those values to the world. Not see America as something broken, something that wasn’t good or great before our big government policies were introduced,” said Santorum.

Both Santorum and Gingrich are said to be considering runs for the presidency.

Santorum went on to strike out at those who he says have told him that there needs to be “a truce on moral issues” during the upcoming presidential campaign. “They don’t understand. America is a moral enterprise. Unless we are a good and virtuous people, we will not be a free people; we will not have limited government. What makes America special is that we trust you.”

Several other speakers touched on the theme of the US Government gaining its power from the people, rather than the people being granted powers by the sovereign.

Listen to the Newt Gingrich’s speech to the NRA convention. (26:00)

Listen to Rick Santorum’s speech to the NRA convention.

Listen to US Senator Pat Toomey’s speech to the NRA convention. (5:48)

Listen to Congressman Jason Altmire’s speech to the NRA Convention. (6:47)

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