Tuesday, May 17, 2011

City District 1 Stays With Harris

In the Democratic Primary, incumbent Councilwoman Darlene Harris held on to her District 1 Pittsburgh Council position by a margin of less than 100 votes.

With all but one precinct reporting, Harris held a 78-vote lead over her closest of 3 challengers, Vincent Pallus.

Harris, the current Council President, says she's grateful to her campaign staff and District 1 voters. She says she wishes she could have run a more hands-on campaign.

"There were times when I had to be busy in the office, being the President and doing my job, than to be out campaigning," says Harris. "So I didn't get to campaign as much as I would have liked to."

Harris is unlikely to lose her Council seat in the November general election, as she faces no Republican opponents.

The Council President says she's eager to take on both large issues like the city's underfunded pension situation and the other items that come up every day.

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