Friday, May 13, 2011

Hold Up in Castle Doctrine Bills

A bill clarifying and expanding the right to deadly self-defense is one vote away from becoming law in Pennsylvania, but it's facing a delay, due to political turf wars.
Both the House and Senate have passed identical measures, both referred to as "Castle Doctrine" bills. Right now, each chamber's leaders are waiting for their counterparts to act next.
Republican Representative Scott Perry, who authored the House bill, told 2nd Amendment supporters to push for action.

"I would urge that you contact your legislators, both in the House and the Senate. And more importantly, your legislative leaders in the House and Senate. And say, hey - look, put your egos aside. Perry's willing to put his aside. Alloway's willing to put his aside. Let's just make this thing law."

The Senate bill was written by Republican Richard Alloway. Perry made his comments at the Capitol's annual 2nd Amendment rally. Speaking at the rally, Kim Stolfer, the chairman of the Firearms Owners Against Crime group, urged lawmakers to move forward.

"We should not have to bargain for the right to bear arms, or the right to self-defense. Castle doctrine needs to be passed now."

The event drew large crowds in 2010 and 2009, but generated much smaller turnout this year.

Governor Corbett has said he'll sign whichever bill ends up on his desk. A similar measure passed the House and Senate last year, but was vetoed by Democratic Governor Ed Rendell.

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