Tuesday, May 31, 2011

McCullough Fails Write-in Bid

The Allegheny County Elections Department says former County Councilman Chuck McCullough did not get enough votes in the May primary to put his name on the November ballot as the Republican nominee for District Attorney. McCullough needed 500 votes. He received only 103 of the total 1,510 write-in ballots cast. Current District Attorney Stephen Zappala, who is a Democrat, picked up 296 write-in votes from Republicans. There were 1,111 write in votes cast or “scattered” candidates.

Zappala received 104,165 votes in the Democratic primary and will run unopposed for the District Attorney’s seat in November. 696 write-in votes were cast in that primary race.

McCullough launched his write-in efforts just days before the primary. He also was running in the County Executive race. He lost that bid to D. Raja 32,486 to 12,819.

The elections department will launch a recount Wednesday of the ballots cast in the Democratic Commonwealth Court Primary election. That race is being recounted statewide. Katherine Boockvar edged out Barbara Ernsberger by just 2,116 votes or .341%. The slim margin triggered an automatic recount. In Allegheny county Ernsberger gathered 79.952 votes compared to 23,277 for Boockvar.

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