Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shale Geologist to Speak at Science Center

The Carnegie Science Center is bringing in an energy company executive tomorrow night to speak about the energy potential of the Marcellus Shale.

EQT geologist Lindell Bridges will talk about the shale drilling process, the total amount of natural gas in the Marcellus Shale, and environmental risks and safeguards.

Carnegie Science Center Director of Science and Education John Radzilowicz says this is the last of three public forums held in the Center’s Drilling Down on the Marcellus Shale speaker series.

“Our first presentation in the series was about, ‘What is Marcellus Shale? Where is it located? How did it form? What kind of resources are there?’” says Radzilowicz. “Our second talk was about the environmental impact. We wanted to talk about, ‘What are the risks dealing with water, for example?’ And so we addressed that issue. And now, in our third and final talk in the series, we want to talk about the energy potential.”

Radzilowicz says the series is strictly scientific and advocates no particular bias about the Marcellus Shale. He says it’s important that the public has a factual grasp of such an important issue.

The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session and refreshments.

One can register for tomorrow night’s forum by calling the Science Center at (412) 237-3400 [ext. 7] or by visiting its website.

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