Monday, May 2, 2011

Shanksville Residents on Bin Laden's Death

The National Park Service is expecting higher traffic than usual at the Flight 93 Temporary Memorial in Somerset County today.
However, Shanksville’s residents aren’t making too much of a fuss over the news Osama bin Laden has been killed.
The memorial, overlooking the field where the hijacked airplane crashed on September 11, 2001, usually opens at 9 am.
Today, reporters were parked outside before dawn, and park rangers opened the gates at 7.
Superintendant Keith Newlin is bracing for more visitors than usual.

"We did open a little earlier today. I mean, the construction people are on-site. But we opened a little bit earlier. Typically we don’t open until nine for the general public."

William Murray lives just a few miles from the site, but had never visited. He says he wanted to wait for the permanent memorial’s September opening, but he came today, instead.
Murray is glad bin Laden’s gone, but is still a bit apprehensive.

"I believe he got what he deserved, but I’d rather see him captured, and pay for what he’d done other than just killed him off, like they have. He’ll become a martyr. Probably be comeback on this, I imagine, from someone."

In Shanksville, most residents declined to be interviewed about the news, saying they had to go to work. It was a sharp contrast to New York City and Washington, DC, where people are singing and chanting in reaction to bin Laden’s death.
Flight 93 was likely headed for the White House or Capitol, when its passengers and crew challenged the hijackers, forcing them to crash the plane in Pennsylvania.

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