Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trails will link 9/11 Memorials

David Brickley, Chairman of the September 11 National Memorial Trail, is helping plan a network of bike trails linking the three sites of the terrorist attacks from September 11th, 2001.

The trails will link the sites of the September 11th attacks - the Pentagon in Washington D.C., the field in Somerset County and lower Manhattan - in a sort of 1,100 mile triangle trail formation. Brickley says two legs of the trail are already done based on existing trails such as The Great Allegheny Passage which connects Washington D.C. to Pittsburgh.

Brickley says its a great way to remember the events of that day while encouraging exercise.

They hope to formally announce the ten year anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

The National Park Service's River's, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program, which is giving technical support to the effort is calling it "a pilgrimmage."

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