Tuesday, June 3, 2008

City Council adopts Campaign Finance Reforms

Pittsburgh City Council today approved new campaign finance rules. With a 5-4 vote the bill has been sent to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl. The bill bars candidates for city office from taking more than $2,000 per election from any individual or partnership and no more than $5,000 from any political action campaign.

Voting yes on the bill were, Bill Peduto, Doug Shields, Bruce Kraus, Patrick Dowd, and Ricky Burgess.

Voting no were Tonya Payne, Jim Motznik, Darlene Harris, and Dan Deasy.

All members of council voiced support for the reform bill but also made sure to express their own feelings regarding the fact that Pennsylvania does not have any statewide limitations or reforms coming. Members who voted in the negative said they would support a statewide reform bill that places everyone on an even playing field.

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