Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Working America hits Altmire's district

A grassroots organization affiliated with the AFL-CIO is upping its membership drive efforts in key congressional districts across the country including Pennsylvania’s 4th. The group “Working America” focuses on issues it feels are important to working families including minimum wage, better access to health care and the right to organize. The group says it fights for “workers who do not have a union on the job.” Members will be canvassing in Congressman Altmire’s district and other neighborhoods in southwestern Pennsylvania. Jen Jannon is the state director of working America. She says they often get people to sign up on the spot and write letters or make a call before they leave the porch. Jannon says nation wide the organization has 2 million members and 400-thousand of them are in Pennsylvania. She says people are yearning to have their voices heard in Washington and by gathering under one organization they feel they have that power.

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