Monday, October 13, 2008

Biomass and Garbage Take Center Stage in Pittsburgh

The second “International Energy from Biomass and Waste Exposition and Conference” kicks off in Pittsburgh Tuesday. The event features sessions on everything from the latest energy technologies and government policies to finance and investment strategies. The event also includes an expo floor with exhibitors ranging from bio mass producers to fuel and chemical makers. There is also a workforce development and youth forum aimed at linking businesses with employees. Conference co-organizer Nathaniel Doyno says Pennsylvania is one of the nation’s largest producers of biomass, one of the nation’s largest importers of garbage and one of the nation’s largest users of energy so the information that will be discussed this week is key to the future of the region. He says while investments in new ventures may be slowing thanks to tight financial markets he thinks safe investment like garbage-to-energy projects will continue to attract money. More than 1-thousand delegates are expected and more than 70 businesses and organizations will have booths at the expo.

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