Monday, October 13, 2008

Pittsburgh Lawyer Challenges City Limits On Gun Sales

A Pittsburgh Lawyer is challenging a city statute that prohibits the selling of guns throughout most parts of the city. The statute sets zones where guns can and cannot be sold. Attorney Peter Georgiades is claiming the amendment to the statute in question is illegal because state and federal guidelines overrule the city's decision making power. The zoning board is currently debating whether or not to approve the request by Georgiades. Georgiades obtains the weapons by seizures of property in cases where a debtor owes him or one of his clients money. To sell a firearm one must have a federal licence to do so. Georgiades applied for a licence from the ATF and was denied because of the city's zoning code. He says he plans to appeal this case as much as he has to in order for him to be allowed to sell firearms.

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