Monday, September 14, 2009

G20 Partnership Wants Your Story

The Pittsburgh G-20 Partnership is looking for your “Pittsburgh Story.” Partnership Executive Director Catherine DeLoughry says the G-20 is giving the city a chance to tell its story and she wants Pittsburghers to be able to do the same. She says the summit will allow Pittsburgh to tell the world about its past, its transformation, and its future. She says residents who have been here a long time have seen that change and have a great story to tell and new residents have a different type of story to tell. Submissions must be kept to 800 characters or less and can be submitted online. Deloughry says some of the stories will be used on the web page and some will be distributed to members of the media in town for the summit. She says the stories will not disappear September 26th. She says, “Pittsburgh’s story does not end with the G20 and neither does our opportunity to tell that story to the world.” Submissions must be made by September 17th

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