Monday, September 14, 2009

Trade Expo Scheduled Prior To G20

On Tuesday September 22ND, just days before the G20 summit, a trade expo will be held at various locations around Pittsburgh. Organized by State Representative Jake Wheatley, the expo will feature approximately 35-40 local businesses and aims to encourage trade between G20 nations and Pittsburgh businesses. The expo will feature businesses that range from manufacturing to technology to service. Organizers say they hope that commerce representatives of G20 nations will visit the expo along with foreign media. At the very least organizers say they want to see foreign press do stories on some of the businesses that will be represented at the expo to increase visibility of those businesses across the globe. Currently, organizers say they have no solid commitments from any G20 nation other than Mexico to attend the event. The locations of the expo will be Allegheny Center, Riverside Center for Innovation, and the Hill House.

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