Thursday, January 7, 2010

7 Admit Guilt In Bonusgate Investigation

Seven people have pleaded guilty to paying out tax-funded bonuses to legislative staffers who worked on Pennsylvania House Democratic campaigns.
One by one, seven former House Democratic staffers appeared before Dauphin County President Judge Richard Lewis and pleaded guilty to overseeing a “bonuses for campaign work” scheme.
Mike Manzo, the onetime chief of staff to former Democratic leader Bill DeWeese, entered guilty pleas on ten counts of theft, conspiracy and conflict of interest.
Outside the courtroom, Manzo’s attorney, Jim Eisenhower, said his client is looking forward to turning the page on the matter.

"He’s accepted responsibility for the bad decisions and the actions he’s taken in this case. And he’s made every attempt to turn his life around both personally and professionally. And he’s agreed to cooperate with the government."

Manzo is expected to testify for the prosecution in the upcoming trial of former Democratic Whip Mike Veon and three other defendants. He faces a maximum sentence of 26 years behind bars.

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