Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Penn State Malware Breach Hit 30k Computers, 3 Campuses

Penn State University has revealed that a computer virus that infected around 30,000 computers last month impacted not only the main campus, but also the Schuylkill branch and law school in Carlisle. The university is still trying to determine how the virus was introduced to the computers. Administrators say the malware was able to glean social security numbers from the hardware and letters have been sent to those that had their private information breached. Jeff Rushton, a Penn State spokesperson says the letters put individuals on alert and gave directions on how to deal with identity theft. He says so far, none of the stolen information has been used. Rushton also noted that the campus has been working to scan every computer to make sure that private information, like social security numbers aren't accessible on the system. He says only computers in the admissions office and registrar should store that kind of information.

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