Monday, February 8, 2010

Another Dem Could Run for PA Governor

The Democratic gubernatorial field is getting a bit more crowded, with State Senator Anthony Williams of Philadelphia seriously considering a run.
Williams says he isn’t an official candidate for governor yet – but he’s moving in that direction.
He began mulling a run a few weeks ago, due to dissatisfaction with the policies of the Democratic candidates in the race.
Williams says he’s met with several of them, and the talks haven’t soothed his concerns.

"But I do find it curious that people are rushing to me to say, “we understand your issues.” I’ve been in public office for almost 20 years. It takes a lot longer than a phone conversation and a sit-down cup of coffee to understand not my issues, but the issues that have elected Democrats in Pennsylvania statewide for generations."

Williams says he’s seriously considering a run.
"I wouldn’t consider myself declared today, but I anticipate filing petitions, and I anticipate trying to raise enough money to make myself competitive. And at that time, if I’m that fortunate, I’ll be a candidate."
Williams says he has a 500-thousand dollar campaign war chest, and he’s working on doubling that amount. He finished third in the Democratic Party endorsement vote this weekend, drawing 48 votes.

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