Monday, February 8, 2010

Dems Don't Endorse Candidate For Governor

Auditor General Jack Wagner won twice as many votes as any other gubernatorial candidate when Pennsylvania’s Democratic Party cast ballots for an official endorsement this weekend.
Although that wasn’t enough to win the party’s nod, Wagner is claiming victory.
A candidate needed two-thirds of the votes to win the Democratic Party’s endorsement, and Wagner didn’t claim that total.
But Wagner’s 153 votes from party officials was twice as much as Dan Onorato, who came in second with 76 tallies.
Wagner says it’s a moral victory.

"When you get the most votes in two ballots and it’s more than the majority, that tells me – and it’s spread out across Pennsylvania, that’s a signal that real people, common people, are supporting my candidacy. And that’s powerful."

Onorato says he’s not concerned ...
"You can’t look at who got what. You’ve got to look at, did they endorse here today? They didn’t. the state committee said leave it open. No one got the endorsement. It’s wide open, and now the most important vote is primary day."

Philadelphia Senator Anthony Williams, who’s mulling a run and didn’t initially plan on entering the endorsement balloting, came in third with 48 votes. Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Hoeffel was eliminated in the first round of voting, and Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty wasn’t nominated.

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