Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Air Quality Action Day for Clairton region

An “Air Quality Action Day” has been forecast for the Clairton region both today and tomorrow. State Department of Environmental Protection Spokeswoman Helen Humphreys says the declared action day is based on predictions in the weather, and on those days there are higher concentrations of fine particulate matter in the air.
She says these days are not to be confused with O-Zone action days, which are typically called for in the summer months.
“Fine particulate matter is a problem year-round,” Humphreys says. It’s created by power plants, industries, vehicles and the like.
The action day is to warn young people, the elderly, and those with respiratory problems to stay in the house more, since they are all particularly vulnerable. Residents and businesses are encouraged to limit certain pollution-producing activities, such as finding alternative transportation like riding the bus or carpooling, and to limiting washing laundry with full loads.

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