Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A+ Schools Public Meeting

Last October, A+ Schools volunteers met with 23 public middle school and high school principals to administer a 60-question interview regarding student equal access. The second of three meetings releasing this data will be on Thursday. This meeting will focus specifically on student access to courses and learning tools.
A+ Schools Executive Director Carey Harris says volunteers asked questions about whether textbooks and technology were distributed equitably across schools, the amount of access students have to the library, and whether or not courses are rigorous and relevant to students.
“We are not presenting these as conclusive findings,” Harris says. “They are some things principals told us on a particular day.”
However, she says she sees this information as a starting point to create priority items with the community and how they can be changed. The meeting will be held at Langley High School on March 11, from 5:30 to 8pm.

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