Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Allegheny County Allocates Federal Stimulus Dollars

Allegheny County will receive a total of $8.1 million as an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. $5.2 million will be used to audit and improve energy efficiency in the county's 19 largest buildings, including the Courthouse, County Office Building, Jail, Shuman Center, Health Dept. and the four Kane regional centers. Spokesperson Kevin Evanto says the energy upgrades should result in savings of $2 million a year.

In addition, 104 municipal buildings in Allegheny County will get energy audits and $2 million in stimulus dollars for improvements. Depending on the percentage of low- and moderate-income residents, county funding will provide 50-, 75-, or 100 percent of costs. Evanto says the municipalities will no doubt also save money in operating costs as a result of energy efficiency improvements.

The audits will begin later this month, and work, let out to local contractors, could begin in the fall.

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