Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Metcalfe Runs for Lt. Governor

Now that all of the nominating petitions have been filed for the May 2010 Pennsylvania primary a few surprise names are starting to bubble to the top. Conservative State Representative Daryl Metcalfe is among them. He filed petitions to run in the Republican Lieutenant Governor’s race. He says he has been talking about the possibility of a run with his wife and close political advisors since July but opted to keep his campaign “under the radar.” He says too often party powerbrokers get involved and try to force out candidates they do not like. He says he did not want that pressure and attention. Metcalfe has become well known for his fight against illegal immigrants and fiscal conservative proposals. Metcalfe says for too long the Lieutenant Governor has been a “silent sidekick to the governor” but he promises to be anything but that. He says he will serve as a watchdog of the governor, making sure he lives up to all of his campaign promises and works with the citizens best interests in mind. Metcalfe says if the governor falters he will be there to point it out to all Pennsylvanians. Further, Metcalfe says if the governor does not do the job for which he is elected, “I promise to run against him in the primary four years from now.” Metcalfe faces a crowded field. Also running is Billy McCue, Jim Crawley, Steve Johnson, Stephen A. Urban, John Kennedy, Chet Beiler, Jean Craige Pepper, and Russ Diamond.

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