Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Corbett, Rohrer Square Off in Candidates Forum

The new health care law and Attorney General Tom Corbett’s challenge to its constitutionality were the major topics at a Republican candidates forum sponsored by a Carbon County 9/12 project last night.
During the forum, Corbett insisted the lawsuit wasn’t political. After the event, he told reporters that Democrats are the ones making it a partisan issue.

"Just look at it – Dwight Evans is trying to influence the budget process. You’ve got the governor saying, he’s a nice guy but I don’t understand this. They’re the ones that are driving the politics. I would shut up about this if they shut up about it and let it go in the courts."

But Corbett spent much of his opening statement discussing the lawsuit. And he singled out the legal challenge when a questioner asked how he’d respond to overreaching by the federal government.

"I think last week clearly demonstrated what I’m willing to do."

Corbett’s primary opponent, state Representative Sam Rohrer, says he applauds the lawsuit. He says the health insurance mandate is a clear violation of the 10th Amendment.
Rohrer says if elected governor, he’ll eliminate Pennsylvania’s property taxes.
During the candidates forum, he said the state’s current structure is unconstitutional.

"Why, because it’s a freedom issue again. Not one person sitting in this room, or across this commonwealth, own your homes tonight. Not one person owns their private property. I guarantee you, you fail to pay your rent to government in the form of that tax check, and your landlord, the government, will throw you out of your home."

Rohrer would divert revenue from Marcellus Shale royalties and gambling taxes to school districts to compensate for lost property tax revenue. He’d also expand the state’s sales tax base.
Attorney General Corbett says Rohrer’s plan would never pass the General Assembly.
He also doubted whether the plan’s revenue figures add up.

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