Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wagner Unveils Government Reform Plan

Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner says if elected governor, he’ll push for a limited constitutional convention to reform state government.
Wagner, who’s running in the Democratic primary, says he wants to reduce the General Assembly by one-third.....
"Theoretically, by reducing it 1/3 you should reduce the cost by 1/3. And it’s really one of the significant advantages – if we’re cutting state government, we should be cutting all aspects of state government."

He also wants to change the legislative redistricting process and eliminate all state employee bonuses.
He says the best way to implement those reforms is by calling a limited constitutional convention.

"It’s the only way to truly engage the public so they can become part of the process. Part of the process as to how this government can change and how it can improve. Why and most importantly, because it can make government more responsive to the people’s needs."

Amending the state’s constitution through a convention would be a lengthy process.
The General Assembly would need to pass a law calling for one, and then voters would have to approve a referendum.
Delegates would be elected, and then after they assemble and propose changes, the amendments would need to be ratified by voters.

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