Wednesday, April 14, 2010

As Election Day Nears, Time To Register To Vote Dwindles

The last to register to vote is coming up fast. Monday April 19Th is the last day for anyone to register, change their name or their political party. In Pennsylvania primaries a voter must be registered in a political part to vote in that party's primary. To be qualified to vote an individual must be a United States citizen for at least one month prior to the election, be a resident of Pennsylvania and his or her election district for at least 30 days before a primary and be 18 years of age on or before the day of the upcoming election. You can register to vote by clicking here.

Some of the competitive primary races include:

In the United States Senate Incumbent Arlen Specter is attempting to hold off a challenge by Joe Sestak.

The democratic gubernatorial primary has four candidates on the ballot including Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato, Philadelphia lawmaker Anthony Williams, Joe Hoeffel and State Auditor General Jack Wagner.

There is a special election to fill the seat for the late John Murtha, and there is also a special election to fill the remaining term for current Judge and former State Representative Don Walko.
Both of the special elections are being held at the same time as their seats primary race.

The primary election is May 18Th.

Any Allegheny County residents with question about their registration can contact the Allegheny County Elections Divisons at 412-350-4510 or by clicking here.

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