Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Casino In Johnstown?

State Senator John Wozniak is trying to bring one of Philadelphia's two casino license's to Johnstown. Wozniak says delays in the Foxwood casino have prompted him to urge state lawmakers to reconsider the Foxwood casino license. Wozniak introduced legislation that would make the casino license available outside of Philadelphia and says he wants the gaming control board to review Foxwood's plans to determine if they will be able to open by May 2011. Wozniak says a casino in Johnstown would make sense because they are under served by the casino industry. Wozniak the casino would also serve as an economic boon to the region creating many jobs and other sources of revenue. The Foxwood casino is being fined $2,000 per day that it is not operating and must be in operation by May 2011.

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