Monday, November 1, 2010

Dem Chair: "PA Doesn't Need a U-Turn"

Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairman Jim Burn believes the party's message of "moving forward" is resonating with voters. Burn says they've been telling voters that Pennsylvania and the nation do not need a U-turn........"We were fortunate in 2008 to avoid the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. If we were to turn back now and give the Republican Tea Party another chance, they would, in my opinion, put us in a great depression."

Burn doesn't believe there is a trend toward Republican candidates in Pennsylvania like there seems to be in some other states. Burn says in the 5 months he has been chairman he has visited 30 counties including the so-called "T," the northern tier and central counties....
"I have not seen GOP fervor there. If anything, I have seen more Democratic enthusiasm in the middle of the state, and I have seen moderate Republicans' support for our (Democratic) candidates because they feel if they're being purged and pushed out of the Republican Party by the neo-conservative Tea Party."

Burn says he believes the polls show dead heats in the race for governor and the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. However, a Franklin and Marshall College poll released last week showed Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett with a 42-30% lead over Democrat Dan Onorato with 26% undecided. Among likely voters, Corbett's lead was 51-35%.

The same poll showed Republican Senatorial candidate Pat Toomey with a 37-35% lead over Democrat Joe Sestak and a 43-36% edge among likely voters.

Burn says the Democratic Party has worked hard to keep engaged the young voters who went to the polls for the first time in 2008 to elect Barack Obama.

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