Monday, November 1, 2010

Roddey: "Most Active Republican Campaign" He's Seen

The head of Allegheny County Republican Committee says the trend favoring Republican candidates around the nation is being reflected in southwestern Pennsylvania and across the state. Committee Chairman Jim Roddey says he's seeing that in the polls, in people attending rallies, people volunteering......"it's the most active Republican campaign I have ever seen. But all that being said, it will come down to turnout."

Roddey says they have been planning for months to make sure voters who are likely to cast ballots for Republican candidates go to the polls. He says they have poll watchers who check off the likely voters as they show up at the polls and around 3 o'clock Tuesday they will start calling those people who have not yet voted..."we have vans to get them to the polls, we have volunteers to babysit, we have dog sitters...whatever it takes to get likely voters to the polls."

Roddey predicts the surprise Tuesday will be the impact of the Tea Party members because the polls usually focus on regular voters and aren't taking into account the Tea Party......"they are folks that probably vote in a presidential year but not in all the elections. This time they are motivated."

Roddey says Republicans are doing well with independent voters who are frustrated with President Obama's programs, and that the Democrats will need a very strong turnout in Philadelphia to win the gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races.

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