Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rep. Murphy Requests TSA Security Revisions

After hearing concerns from constituents and uncomfortable workers, Congressman Tim Murphy (PA-18-R) has requested that Homeland Security review the Transportation Security Administration’s security methods and consider alternative methods of security checks for this holiday season.

Murphy joined with Rep. Bob Filner (D) of California to form a bipartisan committee that is interested in the privacy and comfort of their constituents while still ensuring safety while traveling.

“We want to make sure that TSA has the techniques necessary to protect passenger safety and security but also we want to protect passenger privacy as well,” Murphy says.

Murphy’s committee is concerned with the latest security program of the TSA that requires flight passengers to enter a full body scanner or subject themselves to an intrusive pat down which has become the subject of public controversy.

Another of Murphy’s concerns is how TSA went through with their enhanced security measures without seeking input from Congress, which Murphy believes represents the best interests of the American people.

“In the Pittsburgh Airport there are a large number of TSA employees who are raising concerns to us that they feel there are some other ways they can do this,” Murphy says. “They’re not comfortable with the screening methods being used right now.

The committee hopes for Homeland Security to revise TSA’s measures in the next few weeks.

“To ask for some careful review for this in the coming days before the Christmas holidays would be critically important,” Murphy says.

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