Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Veteran PA Lawmaker Says No Recount

Democratic State Representative Dave Levdansky of Forward Township says after recanvassing returns from the 39th House District in Allegheny and Washington Counties, it's apparent there is no dramatic change in the final vote tally from the November 2 election. So, he will not ask for a recount.
With more than 21,000 votes cast, Republican challenger Rick Saccone defeated Levdansky by 125 votes. Levdansky has served thirteen, 2-year terms in the legislature....

"I know some voters made decisions that were rooted in anger at government and I accept that. But, I'm not bitter. I frankly feel as though I'm fortunate to be given the opportunity to serve the people."

However, Levdansky is angered by the outside money that was poured into this House race by corporations and the Republican State Leadership Committee based in Virginia...
"At least $400,000 was spent spreading those misrepresentations and distortions about my record to the benefit of my opponent who raised about $20,000 the entire year to finance his own campaign. Now the rich corporations behind that money are in a stronger position to control the legislative process to their benefit."

Levdansky believes he was targeted because of his support for "fair corporate taxation, a natural gas severance tax and campaign finance reform."

Levdansky believes that elected officials will be fearful of standing their ground to protect the public interest..."when doing so may target them by those who have no qualms about twisting the truth to promote their own agendas – and have unlimited funds to do it."

Levdansky did not rule out a future run for office....including trying to regain the House seat he's held for 26 years....."I don't know. I still have yearning and a desire to serve people and to articulate good public policy in the public interest."

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