Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Homeless Vigil

For the twentieth consecutive year, Operation Safety Net, which provides free health care and social services to homeless people will hold a candlelight vigil as the sunsets in downtown Pittsburgh to commemorate homeless people who died on the streets this year.

In 2010, three people died on the streets, a lower number than years past, but still three too many, said Linda Sheets, Program Director of Operation Safety Net.

"It is a considerable decrease than we've seen in years before," said Sheets, "We don't know why, we think the severe weather shelter that we've been conducting almost every night this month, which is a historic high as well as the housing options that we have been able to give a lot of individuals."

In 2009, there were 11 people that died on the streets. In previous years, the number fluctuated between six and nine.

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