Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Specter Ends 30 Years in Senate

Democrat Arlen Specter took on the Supreme Court and increasingly partisan politics during his farewell speech to the Senate.
Specter played a high-profile role in the confirmation process of every sitting Supreme Court Justice, and warned the court has gotten more and more aggressive during his 30 years in Washington.

"The Supreme Court has been eating Congress' lunch by invalidating legislation with judicial activism after nominees commit under oath in confirmation proceedings to respect Congressional fact-finding and precedent. "

Specter said Chief Justice John Roberts promised to "call balls and strikes" as a judge, but ended up "moving the bases."
He says one thing Congress can do is pass a law requiring the Court to allow cameras into hearings.
Specter also argued against increased ideological polarization in politics, saying parties' push to eliminate moderates from their ranks amounts to "sophisticated cannibalism."
Specter says one way to reduce Senate gridlock is to let lawmakers offer more amendments on the floor. He warned reducing that right has led to more and more filibusters.

The five term Senator was defeated in the May Primary by Congressman Joe Sestak who subsequently lost the general election to Republican Pat Toomey.

Listen to the entire speech of Senator Specter.

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