Wednesday, February 2, 2011

International Business Experts to Visit Pittsburgh

The Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence at the University of Pittsburgh is hosting internationally renowned business experts to conduct workshops and programs for entrepreneurs in the Pittsburgh area.

The annual program starts tomorrow with Erik Qualman of Boston who will present "Socialnomics: The New Reality for Building Your Business and Your Brand" at the Rivers Club at One Oxford Center.
"Our guest speakers are dynamic, creative business advisers who travel all over the country and the world to help entrepreneurs tackle today's most pressing business challenges," says Amy Dugan, founder and associate dean of the Institute.

Also at the Rivers Club on March 25 will be Bob Hogan of Seattle presenting "Cha-Ching! Unlock Your Business' True Profit Potential."

Mike Lehman, Director of Marketing for the Institute, says that there are a couple things that differentiate the programs for this year with those from previous years.

"This year we've really been working on topics that address things that the entrepreneurs may not quite be comfortable with, but need to know more about," he says.

Those "things" include the growing social media aspect of business and preparing future generations in family owned businesses. Lehman also says that they are focusing on follow-up programs for the businessmen and women so that they can apply what they learned during the presentations by incorporating peer forums and a one-on-one consulting service.

"It's not just an isolated educational program. It has a follow-up infrastructure," Lehman says.

Other presenters include Ken Maer of San Diego, Jayne Pearl of Amherst, Charlie and Lori Lenzner of the Institute, Rick Tifone, Andrew Hayes, and David Blair of Pittsburgh, John Krahe of Erie, Rich Sorenson and Harry McNeely of St. Thomas, Mary Kay Plantes of Boston and Rabbi Steven Z. Leder of Los Angeles
There will be about one or two presentations each month and the program will conclude in December with the Members' Winter Social.

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