Wednesday, February 2, 2011

President to Visit Penn State

Thursday’s visit to State College will be President Obama’s tenth trip to Pennsylvania, since he took office.
The president has been to Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Allentown and Montgomery County.
The only state Mr. Obama has visited more is Ohio, with twelve trips.
Another swing state, Florida, comes in third, with eight visits.
Political scientist Christopher Borick of Muhlenberg College says he’s not surprised those states top Mr. Obama’s travel list, given their importance on the electoral map.

"It’s simply the nature of when the president’s out on the trail and there’s a reelection coming up in two years. Every single visit has to be considered through the lens of that race."

President Bush made more than 30 visits to Pennsylvania during his first term, including 2004 campaign appearances. He lost the commonwealth by two points that year, compared to a four-point loss to Al Gore in 2000.
At State College, Mr. Obama will tour labs focused on energy efficiency, and then deliver a speech on innovation and improving the economy.

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