Monday, March 14, 2011

PennEnvironment Releases Solar Hot Water Report

Pennsylvania could reduce fossil fuel and energy consumption along with pollution, if more solar hot water systems were used according to a new report by PennEnvironment. The report was released during an event at the Plumbers Local Union No. 27 in Coraopolis PA. Solar hot water is used to provide heat to homes and businesses. According to the report, solar hot water systems have the ability to reduce Americans' energy bills by 9.9 billion dollars.

Matthew Ward, Western Pennsylvania Field Associate for PennEnvironment, says that solar hot water could greatly improve Pennsylvania. "By investing in this solar energy technology to produce hot water for homes and businesses, Pennsylvania could reduce global warming pollution by the equivalent of taking almost 275,000 cars off of our roads. And at the same time, with energy savings, people in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, all across Pennsylvania could replace their water heating bills by fifty to eighty percent."

Ward says solar hot water systems could lead to increased jobs with Europe's solar thermal industry employing 40,000 people. He says that the systems are cost effective and many businesses are already using them including Fire House No. 34 in Brighton Heights and the Ross Hill Retirement Residence.

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