Monday, March 14, 2011

Sweater Drive Honors Mr. Rogers

The Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership is honoring Fred Rogers' March 20th birthday for the third year by collecting gently used sweaters March 14th through 18th from 8 to 5 on the 4th floor of their downtown office at 925 Liberty Avenue.

Holly Geitner, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, says the sweaters for men, women, and children will then be distributed to people in need through groups like Operation Safety Net, Salvation Army, Bethlehem Haven, and the Downtown Ministerium. Groups or individuals bringing sweaters to drop off can put their flashers on and call 412-566-4190 for help unloading.

Family Communications, the non-profit Fred Rogers founded, is asking people nationwide to wear their favorite sweaters on March 20th and to show their neighbors they care.

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