Monday, May 9, 2011

Distribution of Red Light Grants Help Out Allegheny County

The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission has been granted $858,133 for improving traffic signals in distressed communities. The money is part of 8.4 million dollars for transportation projects throughout the state collected from red light camera enforcement in Philadelphia. According to state law the revenue from the red light camera is divided evenly between the city of Philadelphia and the state.
Legislation was approved by the State Senate to allow rid light cameras in Pittsburgh and other cities but did not get out of the House.

Domenic D'Andrea, Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission Transportation Planner, says the goal of the program is to optimize traffic signals. "Making our signals more efficient leads to reduced delay to the motorists, reduced congestion, reduced emissions, and reduced fuel consumption."

D'Andrea says that the current program that they have now allows municipalities to receive federal funding for signals if they agree to pay for 20% of the project, but some of the more distressed ones focus on keeping services available than updating signals. He says that this money will help those municipalities come up with the money.

The money the Commission received will go to its second round of traffic signal projects set to begin construction in 2012 and finish by the end of 2013.

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