Tuesday, November 3, 2009

House: No Gaming Vote By Nov 9

Pennsylania House Democrats say Governor Ed Rendell’s demand for a bill legalizing table games in casinos by November 9th is unrealistic.
The House isn’t scheduled to return from an election recess until Monday even though this is not a legislative elecgtion year
Rendell has said he wants the General Assembly to work through the day so that he can sign the legislation into law immediately.
House Democratic spokesman Brett Marcy says that isn’t feasible.

"You cannot get a bill ready for passage and a signature unless an agreement is in place. An agreement isn’t in place yet. We hope to be able to come to an agreement in fairly short order, but that’s certainly not going to be happening by Monday, November 9th."

But it's been three weeks since the budget was signed. This year’s budget depends on 200 million dollars in revenue from legalized table games, but legislative leaders haven’t agreed on the tax rate to impose on casino profits.
A bill has passed the Senate, but House Democrats say its 12-percent tax is too low, and Rendell has promised to veto any rate below 16 percent. The House version called for a 34% tax.
Marcy says table games will be the top priority for House members once they return.
Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi has promised to bring his chamber back into session as soon as the House passes a bill.

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