Friday, May 15, 2009

Chrysler To Close 16 Regional Dealerships

Chrysler has announced that it wants to close 789 U.S. dealerships. Regionally 16 local dealerships have been targeted to close. Of those 16, one is Corwin Jeep in Hickory. General manager Bo Corwin says he does not plan on closing his dealership but he will remain open selling used jeeps and working as a repair shop. He says many customers have been upset at the decision by Chrysler. Corwin says he plans on appealing the decision because he would like to know why exactly his dealership has been targeted for close. Corwin added that he thinks this will adversely affect the dealerships left open because he foresees Chrysler cutting the margin price which will reduce the amount of wiggle room dealers have when trying to sell the cars.

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