Standing before a group of ironworkers and apprentices Franco Dok Harris accepted Ironworkers Local #3’s endorsement in his bid for the Pittsburgh Mayor’s office. He says as far as he knows this is the only union to make an endorsement in the race. Harris says he thinks many union leaders would not endorse him for fear of what he calls a vindictive administration. He used his own campaign as an example. Harris says a city employee “answerable to the mayor” threatened members of his campaign staff. That staffer reportedly told the campaign workers they would never work in the city again. Harris would not name the staffer saying there could be legal action.
He says the endorsement fro the union shows his campaign is “for real.” Local 3 leaders say they think Harris is the candidate best able to create family sustaining jobs in the city. Harris praised the union for working to eliminate sweatshops in the region. Harris says he knows of a few steel fabrication shops that do not treat their workers fairly. He says he will make sure the city never contracts with those businesses and hopes businesses in the city will do the same.
Harris is running against independent Kevin Acklin and Incumbent Luke Ravenstahl in the November 3rd general election.
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