Friday, November 6, 2009

Controversial Amendment Generates Call for Veto

Allegheny County Council President Rich Fitzgerald is urging County Executive Dan Onorato to veto a bill just passed by council even though Fitzgerald and 12 other members voted in favor of it. The measure approved the sale of the County Health Department building in Oakland for $4.9 million. Developers plan to to erect a hotel, office building and a parking garage. Fitzgerald says the sale price and the development plans are fine....the problem is an amendment inserted by Councilman Chuck McCullough that council approved along with the original measure. That amendment channels the revenue from the sale into a special fund controlled by council. The amendment requires unanimous approval by council to spend more than $100,000 of that money. Fitzgerald called that "undemocratic because one member could trump the entire group."
Some council members admit they had not read the amendment before approving it and the original bill. No word yet from Dan Onorato if he will veto the measure.

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