Monday, November 2, 2009

DeLuca Wants Review of Healthcare Mailer

The political advocacy and trade origination, America’s Health Insurance Plans, has sent out thousands of advertisements warning seniors that their Medicare Advantage Benefits will be drastically cut under health care reforms being pushed by the White House. Some of the mailers went to seniors in Pennsylvania. State Representative Tony Deluca of Verona says the ads were misleading and served only to confuse the recipients. He has asked the PA Insurance Commissioner to look into the mailer and to see if any of the health insurance providers licensed in PA used dollars collected from premiums to help mail out the literature. Deluca called the material “bogus” and he wonders if it violates state policy. DeLuca says he does not think this rises to the level of criminality so he has not contacted the Attorney General but he feels the Insurance Commissioner has the power to investigate and should take the mater into consideration when reviewing future rate increase requests from member companies.

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