Monday, November 2, 2009

Smaller LIHEAP Program Begins Today

Today marks the first day residents can apply for the Pennsylvania Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program but officials say it has been scaled back this year. This year a family of four can earn up to $33,000 and still be eligible for the LIHEAP cash grant program. Last year the income cap was set at $44,000. Additionally, the emergency grant program won’t start until January. Those changes have angered some critics, but Department of Public Welfare spokeswoman Stacey Witalec says Pennsylvania’s federal LIHEAP funding will likely drop from $330 million to $275 million. She says, “And we have to base our programs on the funds that we know are available, vs. funds that we hope we get later in the season. Certainly if the budget from the feds increases, we will be more than happy to look at our program and see where we can make changes.” Witalec says DPW research showed most families solved critical problems, like broken heating equipment, through the cash grant program. She says people can still apply for an emergency grant if something urgent comes up, pointing out the program will allow case-by-case exceptions to the delayed start.

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