Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hanger gets Grilled by Committee

Acting Department of Environmental Protection Secretary John Hanger underwent some tough grilling during a confirmation hearing yesterday before his nomination was sent along to the full chamber. Much of Hanger's confirmation hearing focused on his tenure as the head of the environmental advocacy group PennFuture. Committee chair Mary Jo White, a Republican representing parts of six northwestern counties, says she was particularly troubled by a 2005 press release put out by the group that claimed she and other lawmakers were letting corporate campaign donations affect their stance on environmental regulation measures. “I have no problem with you disagreeing with me. You can say this whole committee is as dumb as a box of rocks, and that doesn't bother me at all. But when you say that we are corrupt, or imply that we are corrupt, and you say that that's mere advocacy, I can't buy that.” Said White during the hearing. Hanger apologized for the press release. He also assured the panel he would recuse himself from any DEP decisions involving PennFuture. The committee unanimously voted to pass Hanger's nomination onto the full Senate.

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