Monday, May 11, 2009

Most County Jobless Rates in Pittsburgh Market Below U.S. Level

In March, Allegheny County's unemployment rate rose to 6.8% in March compared to the U.S. rate of 9%. Overall, the seven-county Pittsburgh market's jobless rate is 7.6%...up from 5.1% in March 2007 and 4% from two years ago. The 7.6% Pittsburgh market rate is the highest since February 1994 when it was 7.8%. Two of the seven counties in the labor market had jobless rates above the national figure: Armstrong County with 10.2% and Fayette County at 9.6%.
Gerald Perrins, regional economist with the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, says the job loss in the Pittsburgh area was a little more gradual than other cities in the region such as Philadelphia and Washington. Perrins says it's difficult to say if the recession in terms of unemployment is hitting the Pittsburgh area later than the nation as a whole....or not as hard. Perrins says there is one bright spot...that the labor force is still growing...which means even if people are not finding jobs....they are not giving up searching for employment.

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