Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Republicans Want More Spending Cuts, No Tax Hikes

Pennsylvania House Republicans say Governor Ed Rendell's proposed $29 billion budget spends too much money as the economy continues to spiral downward. House Republican Leader Sam Smith of Jefferson County said that like working families, the state must find a way to make government live within its means.. "this is not a year to fund new programs or new spending.....this is gut-check time and we must make fundamental changes in our thinking about budgeting. Representative Mario Civera, the Republican Appropriations Committee Chairman said lawmakers need to look seriously at state programs to see what works and what doesn't in order to prioritize funding.
Republican Represenative Daryl Metcalfe of Butler County says the governor's plan will "tax Pennsylvania back to the Stone Age." Metcalfe says the state should cut welfare spending by 10% by eliminating fraud and waste; eliminate the legislative grants known as WAMS, walking around money; and reduce the personal income tax to 2.8%

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