Monday, July 27, 2009

City Youth Work Program Twice as Big

The Pittsburgh Summer Youth Employment Program marked its midway point today by taking Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl on a tour of several work sites across the city. The program gives city youth 6 weeks of employment from July 6th through August 14th. They are paid minimum wage while working in mostly public works-type jobs but City Acting Personnel Director Judy Hill Finegan says this year some of the participants are working “white collar internships.” With 554 participants, the program is twice the size it was last year. The expansion comes with the help of federal stimulus finds. Finegan says the $1.6 million in stimulus funds had to go to disadvantaged youth, the $500,000 from the city was used for projects that could attract block grant funds and $150,000 from the Pittsburgh foundation was used to fill the gaps. Students were chosen using a lottery system from all city zip codes. Finegan says not only do the participants get to put more than one thousand dollars in their pocket but they also walk away with work experience and a “Jumpstart Success” certification. The certification is preapproved by the PA Department of Education and the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board and recognized by employers across the state. She says the certification process includes education on how to be a good employee. It touches on everything from showing up on time and listening to making a good representation of your self and building interpersonal relationships. About a third of the stimulus money will be held back for a work preparation program for 22-24 year olds later this year.

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