Thursday, January 22, 2009

State Board Of Education Makes Reccomendations On Making College More Affordable

The State Board of Education has unveiled a proposal to help college students fight debt. The boards Higher Education Counsel has been researching college affordability for many months, surveying students and looking at the states cost of higher education compared to the national average.

The study found that students in Pennsylvania are graduating with an average of $19,047, which is the second highest out of the 50 states.

The study recommends a "no-frills" approach to college. The study believes a college that offers an accelerated bachelors program that would go year round with no sports teams, "glittering fitness centers," or extracurriculors. The study held multiple public hearings and heard from many current students and recent graduates.

The Board of Education found that students are finding ways to finance a college such as using credit cards to pay for books and other related costs. The board made nine recommendations that the state will consider that include the accelerated bachelors program, monitoring of credit card marketing on college campuses and increased state financial aid.

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